WarCry, I can see the resemblance, but I really don't think we'll be seeing Joker again.
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Joseph Gordon-Levitt might answer the Bat signal's call
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Proving that he continues to favor working with actors that have starred in earlier projects, scuttlebutt has it that Inception co-star Joseph Gordon-Levitt is working out an offer to play a character in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises. If Gordon-Levitt's contract negotiations work out he'll join his fellow Inception castmates Tom Hardy and Michael Caine in the three-quel.
(Yes, Caine was already a Batman alumni before he wound up in Inception but it's easier to lump all three together under the banner of Nolan's last picture.)
So now the speculation turns to this: what part could JGL be playing in TDKR? The fanboy in me wants to peg him playing a known supervillain part like The Riddler or even Hugo Strange but let's not forget that Nolan casts a wider net when he fills a Batman movie with supporting characters. Could Gordon-Levitt be playing a villain in a business suit, or someone employed by Arkham Asylum? That could easily be the case.
Or Christopher Nolan has found the guy that would play the perfect Clock King. Or a young-looking adult Robin.
Waiting to find out the devil in this show's details is turning out to be fun.
Posts: 152
Posted: 14 years 1 week ago
Even though he said it wouldn't happen - and we ALL know movie makers wouldn't lie to us, right? - looking at that picture makes me think he could be filling in for...you know who.....who played a certain clown prince....