that was great!
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E.T. 2: Extinction: The fan trailer that raises the bar for fake films
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Tuesday, February 22, 2011
I've seen quite a number of fan trailers -- mash-ups of sequels or hoped-for movies that digital editors and Photoshop wizards have cobbled together from other real films -- but after watching the trailer for E.T.X.: Extinction, the bar has now been raised for these types of things.
You're about to bear witness to what an R-rated sequel to E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial might look like. It borrows material from dozens of other movies, like the Bruce Willis material is from The Siege, and Morgan Freeman's scenes are from Dreamcatcher and Deep Impact, but the skill that creator Robert Blankenheim has used to integrate actors from different movies to appear in the same scene is impressive to behold. And while the trailer delivers its story with tongue planted in cheek, the fact remains that we've all seen sequels like this before, haven't we?
(Bonus points to Rob for that swipe at the 3-D fad that comes at the end of his trailer.)
Well, what did you think of it?
Posts: 5753
Posted: 13 years 32 weeks ago
WIN! Just flat out. WIN. This is awesome.