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Dark Knight debut breaks Blu-ray sales record
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Thursday, December 11, 2008
In its first day of release Warner Bros. sold 600,000 copies of The Dark Knight on the Blu-ray format, shattering the previous record by more than double. Paramount's Iron Man sold 260,000 copies on Blu-ray on its first day of release when it came out on September 30.
Sales figures show that The Dark Knight is on track to sell its one millionth Blu-ray copy sometime this weekend. If that happens then the record for the fastest-selling Blu-ray disc would also fall; Iron Man moved 500k discs in its first week of release.
Warners estimates that 3 million DVDs of The Dark Knight were sold on its first day of release, or 2.4 million in standard format.
The strength of the sales surpass what the company had expected. The Blu-ray sales alone were double what Warners had hoped for.
Posts: 16
Posted: 15 years 41 weeks ago
wish I could find the blu ray somewhere for less than my first born child.