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Dark Knight DVD becomes the year's bestseller
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Wednesday, December 17, 2008
In just one week the DVD for The Dark Knight became the biggest-selling disc of 2008. According to Warner Bros. (and reported by Variety), an estimated 13.5 million units of The Dark Knight have sold since it went on sale just seven short days ago.
Warners estimates that 1.7 million Blu-ray Dark Knight discs have been sold and that would make it the new top-selling title for the new high def format. More than 10 million DVDs have been sold to individuals while video rental companies account for the remainder of sales. 3 million Dark Knights were sold on the title's first day of release, December 9, with some outlets opening at midnight so fans could be the first to pick up their own copy of the second-highest grossing movie of all-time.
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