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Video: The top 5 Agent Coulson moments from Marvel movies
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Saturday, May 5, 2012
Actor Clark Gregg has carved himself out a thin but sweet slice of fame from Marvel's Cinematic Universe. As S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson, Gregg's straight-man act sandwiched between alien demi-gods, armored heroes and time-displaced super-soldiers has won him a huge audience in a short time. And if you've already seen The Avengers, then you know that Agent Coulson's role is critical to the movie's storyline.
Gregg, an unabashed Marvel Comics fan and a filmmaker in his own right (he directed the movie adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk's novel Choke), poked fun at his time spent serving S.H.I.E.L.D. in the MCU by presenting a video showing off his "top" 5 moments from Marvel movies. Coulson has appeared in both Iron Man films and in Thor, so his picks are from a small pool possibilities. However, the video is not so much about what parts Coulson has been in as it is showing what a good sport and funny guy Clark Gregg is.
Here's to you, Agent Coulson.
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