Casino Royale made me a born-again Bond fan. This looks good...
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Trailer: Skyfall
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Monday, May 21, 2012
The first trailer (a teaser) for Skyfall has debuted online via the official James Bond website. After watching said trailer, what can be seen in it matches perfectly with the leaked trailer description report heard about last month.
My first impression of what director Sam Mendes is doing is a good one. This has the promise of a heavier Bond adventure. The exotic world locales look spendid thanks to the brilliant cinematography of Roger Deakins and Daniel Craig looks like he's in impressive 007 form.
Since this is a teaser trailer I expect to see more meat about Skyfall's story in the full trailer (which should arrive after the summer release schedule.)
Sound off about what you think of the Skyfall trailer below.
Posts: 1905
Posted: 12 years 36 weeks ago
Can't wait!