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You can cut the suspense in the new Aliens: Colonial Marines game trailer
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Monday, May 21, 2012
First, the bad news: the Aliens: Colonial Marines video game being made by Gearbox Software and released by Sega won't come out until February 13, 2013. That's a helluva long time to wait if you've been amped up by what its makers have shown us so far. For those of us not in the know about why I and others are excited for Aliens: Colonial Marines, it's not just because of the game's pretty graphics. No, the real reason for my interest in this title stems from it being a direct sequel to James Cameron's Aliens movie, continuing the story of what happened in the aftermath of the destruction of the colony on LV-426.
(And for the record, yeah, I remember the colony getting nuked at the end of Aliens. I'll forgive the game's makers for some creative leeway if the story and gameplay live up to the hype.)
The good news? Sega has released a "suspense" trailer for Colonial Marines that gives us some new views of the game action. It also teases us how the game get started, with the marines from a new USMC warship called the Sephora entering the deserted hulk of the Sulaco, in orbit above LV-426. Already I've got big questions: how did the Sulaco get back to LV-426 if it jettisoned the rescue pod above the prison planet we see in the beginning of Alien 3? Why are there signs of a major Alien infestation onboard the Sulaco? Will Aliens: Colonial Marines explain how the eggs got onboard the Sulaco and infected Ripley? Maybe this game will fix the big holes that Aliens fans like myself have had with the third Alien movie, or at least provide us with better creative explanations instead of what the second sequel served up.
Check out the new trailer for Aliens: Colonial Marines below.
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