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Bad Lip Reading for Twilight
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Stephanie Meyer's Twilight gets a lot of slapdown. If you've ever read her novels, then you would know why. Still, she's a mega-successful author worth hundreds of millions of dollars while I'm a broke movie webmaster writing about her stuff. Who's the king of the world now?
But the good news is that there are a lot of other broke people who love to poke at the whole Twilight phenomenon. The folks at Bad Lip Reading, who seem to make it a crusade to provide alternative dialogue for famous people and celebrities, wanted to share their loathing of Twilight by making it the subject of their latest video.
Does the Bad Lip Reading dialogue improve the lines that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart uttered in that first Twilight movie? Well, if you've been waiting for RobPatt to say that he smacked a fish around, or for Kristen to giggle about her unnatural love for her brother, the answer would be yes.
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