WAAAAA Fox here's freekin tissue
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Fox pulls Wolverine workprint review, issues statement
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Saturday, April 4, 2009
Sometime Friday evening Roger Friedman's early review of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, based on the leaked workprint on the internet, was pulled from the Fox News website. The studio behind the film issued two statements that have run on websites about Friedman's article and the company's view of it.
First, IESB published its response from Fox:
"We’ve just been made aware that Roger Friedman, a freelance columnist who writes Fox 411 on Foxnews.com – an entirely separate company from 20th Century Fox -- watched on the internet and reviewed a stolen and unfinished version of X-Men Origins: Wolverine. This behavior is reprehensible and we condemn this act categorically -- whether the review is good or bad."
Second, HitFix received this statement from the company:
"Roger Friedman's views in no way reflect the views of News Corporation. We, along with 20th Century Fox Film Corporation, have been a consistent leader in the fight against piracy and have zero tolerance for any action that encourages and promotes piracy. Once we learned of Roger Friedman's post we asked Fox News to remove it, which they did immediately."
I tried to urinate on a fox once....it got away....
They all lead up to one entity, a dark puppet-master hidden in some dark room. He's seated with the heads of every major financial and political powers, stroking his cat, and laughing at humanity's stupidity. The world is his playground. He is the bad guy with the iron claw, and only Inspector Gadget can fix Wolverine "The Movie". Maybe I should watch it before judging though...
Friedman was fired, too.
Posts: 64
Posted: 15 years 41 weeks ago
"There's no such thing as bad publicity..."