I believe I mentioned this. :-p
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Roger Friedman is fired over his Wolverine review
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Monday, April 6, 2009
There was plenty of he said-she said over the weekend concerning the employment fate of Fox 411 entertainment columnist Roger Friedman. After the Fox News website pulled Friedman's early review for X-Men Origins: Wolverine, based on a leaked workprint, from the site a rumor published by blogger Nikki Finke surfaced that Fox had sacked him.
Follow-up requests for clarification from Friedman were met with strange replies and no one knew for certain what action Fox News had or hadn't taken.
However, this afternoon Fox News finally confirmed that Friedman will no longer be an employee of the company:
"Fox News representatives and Roger Friedman met today and mutually agreed to part ways immediately. Fox News appreciates Mr. Friedman's ten years of contributions to building foxnews.com and wishes him success in his future endeavors. Mr. Friedman is grateful to his colleagues for their friendship and support over the past decade."
On a related note, BitTorrent is reporting that over one million downloads of the leaked Wolverine movie have taken place since the film was uploaded to the net late last week.
Posts: 417
Posted: 15 years 41 weeks ago