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Transformers fan doesn't meets the eye of Megan Fox
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Wednesday, June 17, 2009
When Megan Fox attended the London premiere of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen she knew that it would be a madhouse. But for one unfortunate fan who pnly wanted to show Fox how much he cared for her, it was soon to be a heartcrushing moment captured on film.
The photo taken at the premiere shows that unknown British fan reaching out to Fox to try and give her a yellow rose. It's the expressions on the faces of the actress -- who looks like she's being dragged as fast as possible by an off-screen bodyguard -- and the hopeful fan who looks like he just had his hopes shattered in a split-second. It's brutal photography and it perfectly captures a tragic moment between fanboy and fantasy. Squish goes his heart.
There's a hard lesson to be learned here for fanboys: you can buy the action figure of the actress you dream of being with one day but that's all you're spending your time with.
Daltons chin dimple
Posts: 12800
Posted: 15 years 12 weeks ago
Of course she blanked him, she was rushing back to the hotel to be with me.....
....and then I woke up.