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In defense of Lego Zion
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Monday, June 29, 2009
The day will come when a movie is completely remade using Lego. It might be Star Wars, it may be Alien, it could even be Fried Green Tomatoes. But that day will come, mark my words.
There was a crazy gathering of passionate Lego enthusiasts earlier this month. BrickWorld allows brick-builders from around the world a chance to socialize and hang out with other Lego masters and to compete in building Lego creations. One entry came from Tyler Clite and recreated the last stand of Zion from The Matrix Revolutions. At about five-and-a-half feet long Tyler's creation features three APU mechs blasting away at attacking Sentinels. Check out the detail on that shot up Sentinel as it crashes to the deck -- that's a lot of black Lego pieces.
Hit Tyler's Flickr stream for more Lego creations of his plus a close-up of the APU mech for which he was awarded a prize at BrickWorld for.
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