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Optimus Prime's Late Night top ten list
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Tuesday, July 7, 2009
For one of his program's Top Ten lists Late Night talk show host David Letterman brought out one of the bigger stars of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Mr. Optimus Prime. The Autobot leader presented the list of Top Ten things that sound cooler when spoken by a giant robot which, of course, Optimus then proceeded to do. (The really geeky thing that I dig is that Peter Cullen, the voice actor used in the movie for Optimus Prime's dialogue as well as the originator of the role back in the 1980s delivered Letterman's Top Ten list. +1 for geekyness!)
The really nutty thing is that Letterman is right: things do sound cooler when a giant robot says them. Can we get a William Shakespeare movie featuring the Transformers in the bard's roles?
Posts: 417
Posted: 15 years 9 weeks ago
Dig it :)