I don't get to watch many cartoons outside of Spongebob, Flapjack, and Phineas and Ferb, but every once in a while, I get to see Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Holy crap is it HILARIOUS!
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I am booked for Sunday afternoon, a group of 8 of us followed by a Mexican restaraunt. Our hardcore Trekkie mate, Mick (51 years old!) has been told that if he even tries to bring his phaser we will drown him in the marina next to our local movie theatre.
There are few people in the world who disgust me more than mothers who leave their small children alone at home while they go out drinking. I've known this chick since she was 12 years old, corrupting my sister. She's 26 now, married twice, 4 children, husband in jail for DUI. She came out at 10 o'clock to my friend's bar, got wasted, lied about having a ride home, and then rolled her car in front of the bar when she tried to drive herself. When my friend called 911, she asked the cops to check on the kids, and SURE THE FUCK ENOUGH, the 3 she still has were crying in their beds. Oldest of the group, maybe 7. So now, she's in jail, the kids are now in the social services system, and my friend may lose her job and be sued because this fucking twat is a disgusting pathetic excuse for a mother and a fucking liar. AWESOME.
I feel badly for the kids.
Now, onto Brave and the Bold. Yeah, it's definitely the campy Batman universe. I record it on da DVR for the kids
However, my son's favorite incarnation of Batman seems to be Batman Beyond. We have Batman:TAS on DVD, and he's been watching The Batman and Batman Beyond on ON DEMAND, and he always asks to watch "Batman Deabond! Terry is Batman Deabond! Master Bruce is his friend!"
I really liked Batman Beyond. Kept enough of the atmosphere of TAS while giving it a fresh spin. Plus it got a great finale with that episode of Justice League: Unlimited. Brave and the Bold is fun too, I'll watch it on a Saturday morning while I'm lounging on the couch.
On another note, I got a Facebook invite for my high school's annual alumni dinner. Am I going? FALSE.
I loved the BB episode in Unlimited!
which one? the 2 parter when GL, WW, BM go to the future and run into Warhawk/Static Shock etc? Or the one when Terry confronts Amanada Waller?
The one when Terry confronts Amanda Waller. I think after it came out the creators admitted it was meant to cap Batman's story in both Unlimited and Beyond.
I always wished they had done a live-action Beyond. Would've really liked to see what they could have done with it. It'll never happen though.
Don't bet on it. If Batman is still making money after Bats Begins IV but Nolan and Bale are through with it they may well look at Beyond for a direction.
An old friend and regular of mine at the bar passed away last night. He was one of the first guys to welcome me when I started there 8 years ago, and made me feel like part of an extended family. He moved away with his wife 5 years ago because her job took her to South Carolina. He went to culinary school there and in the last few months, moved back and took up a job as a chef at one of my favorite local restaurants. His wife and kids were waiting for the end of the school year to move back with him, and he spent a lot of time travelling back and forth. Last night at work, he suffered a heart attack. I've spent all morning making phone calls and trying to deal with the loss of yet another friend. I hate this so much.
Shit, Jess. I'm really sorry to hear that. My heart goes out to you, his wife and kids.
I am so sick of death. I've been to far too many funerals in my lifetime.
Thanks for the thoughts.
You know what'll cheer you up?
Surprise buttsecks!
Not if it's a complete surprise, then it just might be painful and innappropriate - which is kind of like the last time I tried stand-up comedy.
So, you speak from firsthand knowledge?
Read on Textsfromlastnight.com:
(251): Could you imagine if a Skynet machine combination of Bob Ross and Chuck Norris were built? It would rule the universe with a soft spoken fan brush of kung fu dominance
(303): It would be truly incredible. I hope we are blessed with this being in our lifetime.
Just wanted to share.
Posts: 702
Posted: 15 years 18 weeks ago
I limit mine to Family Guy, SOuth Park, and The Venture Brothers.
Here's my random for today! I'm a goin' to the movies tonight, yay! Star Trek, so I'm fishin' out the Spock Ears, disinfecting them and ironing them!
Okay, the Spock ears part is a fabrication.