It's not that I don't like cleaning Adam54's cock, it's that I don't like Adam54 having a clean cock.
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Posted by The Swollen Goi... on Wednesday, September 1, 2010
As Adam likely just discovered, the only thing worse than hearing some guy talk about his cock, is having that same guy talk about your cock.
Sometimes, Goiter, just sometimes, you make me smile.
I smiled once. Then I read Horso, and I've never smiled again.
You Brits have had it in for Tea Parties ever since that incident in Boston.
Not our fault you guys don't know how to make it properly.
Seriously though, is nobody worried about those f*ckers?
They're kind of funny in their insanity. I suppose I should be taking them more seriously. I guess I'll be taking them more seriously if they start being elected.
O'Donnell might get more votes if she trimmed her cooter.
Daltons chin dimple wrote:
So are these Tea Party lunatics going to make gains?
Yes. Roughly 50 seats in the house, another 6 or so in the Senate. Got room for me to stay in your mansion Dalty? I think it's getting close to moving to a new country time!
I don't think the Tea Party will get that many seats. Also remember that the Republicans got the majority while Clinton was in office and he was still able to get a lot through. Of course, there was also that witch hunt about Whitewater and asking him about an affair and the impeachment....crap.
Daltons chin dimple wrote:
Seriously though, is nobody worried about those f*ckers?
People who live and die with the political sphere probably are (aka, loonies), but the Teabaggers are just a subsect (if you can even call them that) of the conservatives; it's basically a "re-branding" situation. And I hope O'Donnell wins; I couldn't believe it when she came out with a campaign ad that started with the phrase, "I am not a witch." I said right then and there that when you have to declare you are not a witch you have already lost, but I've heard she's been making a late push in the polls. I wonder if she would be the first US Senator to get elected after having to deal with a witchcraft scandal; probably the first in at least a hundred years or so, I would think.
I'd like O'Donnell's concession speech to be made in her ladybug costume.
Well, I was counting the GOP as a whole getting 50 seats. Because there's not really a giant difference between the Tea Party crazies and the Republican delusionals anymore (see McCain, John). I'm actually kind of excited that they're going to win, think they're incredibly popular when they're really very not, do absolutely nothing for two years, nominate Governor YupYup in 2012, get throughly trounced, and collapse by epic proportions in 2012 along with the rest of the world.
So Hicks? I'm looking at you, shit for brains. Enjoy this while it lasts, because it won't last long.
What's amusing to me is that here in Michigan we're about to elect a moderate Republican as governor--an outsider who was much more moderate than the party hacks he defeated in the primary--and I bet we don't hear any comment about it in the national media because it doesn't fit their "Tea Party revolution" theme.
My county seems to have voted red, but the blues kept the senate and governorship. We went red in the house.
Look at it this way -- there will be more material for Stewart and Colbert to mine.
We have a bit of an oppopsite thing over here to you guys, in that over here the Left wing fucked everything up, and the Right wing is getting the blame!
So did the witch lady win???
Just looked her up. She didn't. (dammit!)
I *almost* want Palin to run and win in 2010. Her term would utterly destroy the Republican party for decades.
Is there a line in Vegas on how many bills will be passed in the next 2 years. Because zero is pretty much a lock.
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 13 years 49 weeks ago