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April 10, 2009 - Star Trek / soundtrack song listing
Scooped on Friday, April 10, 2009
Track details for Michael Giacchino's official soundtrack to Star Trek have been posted at TrekMovie. You may wince at the tracks that have pop culture references but, believe it or not, this is typical of the way Giacchino names his material -- just consider Mission: Impossible III's "Helluvacopter Chase" or Lost's "Locke'd Out Again"orchestral track scores if you don't want to take our word for it.
1. Star Trek (1:03)
2. Nailin’ the Kelvin (2:09)
3. Labor of Love (2:51)
4. Hella Bar Talk (1:55)
5. Enterprising Young Men (2:39)
6. Nero Sighted (3:23)
7. Nice To Meld You (3:13)
8. Run and Shoot Offense (2:04)
9. Does It Still McFly? (2:03)
10. Nero Death Experience (5:38)
11. Nero Fiddles, Narada Burns (2:34)
12. Back From Black (:59)
13. That New Car Smell (4:46)
14. To Boldly Go (:26)
15. End Credits (9:11)
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