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April 21, 2010 - Avatar 3 / Cameron talks about where we're headed
Scooped on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
While it hasn't been a secret that James Cameron is envisioning a trilogy of Avatar movies, he's made his first on the record statement about what direction we'll be headed in Avatar 3. In an interview with The Los Angeles Times, the creator of Avatar talks about where the future films will go. In Avatar 2 he wants to explore under the ocean of Pandora but in Avatar 3 he's going above the clouds and into outer space.
"We created a broad canvas for the environment of film," Cameron remarked about the progression of future Avatar adventures. "That's not just on Pandora, but throughout the Alpha Centauri AB system. And we expand out across that system and incorporate more into the story – not necessarily in the second film, but more toward a third film."
Posts: 213
Posted: 14 years 33 weeks ago
ANOTHER ocean story from Cameron?