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April 8, 2009 - Star Trek / alamo drafthouse video of Leonard Nimoy
Scooped on Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Two new clips promoting the new Star Trek are available. On Yahoo Movies their clip shows the first meeting between James Kirk and Dr. McCoy as the two prepare to fly off to Starfleet Academy. Meanwhile the clip on MTV Movies Blog shows the events leading up to the bar fight seen in the trailers. Here we witness Kirk introducing himself to Uhura and putting the moves on her.
And if you want to witness how the reveal of Leonard Nimoy and the new Star Trek movie to the Alamo Drafthouse audience went on the night of April 6, here's a video of how it went down:
Also, for those of you that need their spoiler fix there is a thread running on TrekBBS in which an audience member is answering questions from longtime Trekkies about what happened in the film and how it impacts the films and episodes that have come before the 2009 film.
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