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August 17, 2009 - Oobermind / Brad Pitt, Will Ferrell replace voice cast
Scooped on Monday, August 17, 2009
Will Ferrell (Land of the Lost) will now replace Robert Downey Jr. in the role of the supervillain Oobermind while Brad Pitt (Inglourious Basterds) and Jonah Hill (Funny People) are joining the film's cast. Pitt will give voice to Metro Man, Oobermain's nemesis and the hero of the city. Once Oobermind has removed Metro Man from the scene and the villain realizes that he needs a heroic foil, in comes the new superhero Titan (voiced by Jonah Hill) who is secretly backed by Oobermind. The problems only get worse for Oob when Titan realizes that he will have more fun being a supervillain himself, leaving it up to Oobermind to stop Titan from taking over the city.
We've also learned that Tina Fey's character is a reporter who's trying to keep on top of her city's ever-changing assortiment of superpowered heroes and villains.
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