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August 21, 2009- Bourne 4 / Josh Zetumer writing new screenplay
Scooped on Friday, August 21, 2009
Screenwriter Josh Zetumer will write a different screenplay for the proposed fourth Bourne movie that may be used for the upcoming film, or it might be stitched together with the screenplay that George Zolfi will write. The reason is that Nolfi is up to his neck prepping to director The Adjustment Bureau, his adaptation of the Philip K. Dick short story which will star Matt Damon. Nolfi's involvement with Adjustment Bureau could conceivably delay him handing in a Bourne screenplay that's polished when the producers need it to go.
Zetumer worked on the screenplay for Peter Berg's new Dune adaptation and also penned the screenplay for The Infiltrator which has Leonardo DiCaprio attached to star.
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