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December 7, 2009 - next Jack Ryan movie / Mace Neufeld speaks about movie
Scooped on Monday, December 7, 2009
While speaking with Coming Soon about his new movie Invictus, producer Mace Neufeld also let slip the latest on where the new Jack Ryan movie was at. The veteran producer reiterated that the film won't be an origin story but that it's still planned on being a wholly original Ryan adventure that doesn't derive from any of Tom Clancy's novels.
"We pick him up when he's on Wall Street," explained Neufeld, "...[but] the Jack Ryan movies have never been action films. They're kind of 'thinking man's thrillers.' Jack is referred to as a 'water-walker' because of his ability to jump ahead to conclusions. That's very big in all the Jack Ryan films and that's how we want to portray him. He's a teacher. He's a historian. He's a linguist. And he's really smart."
Neufeld also said that Adam Cozad would soon begin performing a rewrite on Hossein Amini's first draft.
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