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February 7, 2010 - Captain America: The First Avenger / Ryan McPartlin auditioned
Scooped on Sunday, February 7, 2010
There's been a flurry of Captain America news that's surfaced in the past 48 hours worthy of mentioning on the film's page. First off, Chuck co-sytar Ryan McPartlin (a.k.a. Mr. Awesome) has auditioned for the main role of Cap. "The one thing I can't stand are these actors that are twittering about auditioning for Captain America. It's really tacky. With that said, it is in the casting process and like many other actors, I read for it, so we'll wait and see what happens. Regardless, I'm pretty psyched to be Captain Awesome for the time being," McPartlin told Moviehole.
While talking with press about his latest directing job on Universal's The Wolfman, Joe Johnston was asked where he was with the development of the Captain America movie. The filmmaker said that he's hoping to cast an unknown American in the part and then populate the rest of the cast with known Hollywood names, similar in the casting approach to 1979's Superman movie which took a then-unknown Christopher Reeve and cast recognizable actors around him. Johnston said that he's got around five or six men between the ages of 23 to 32 testing right now for who will be Captain America -- and that casting for the film needs to be complete by March 1.
Johnston also said that most of the film will shoot in the United Kingdom since the film's action takes place in Europe during the Second World War. The villain for the movie will be the Red Skull, the primary adversary from the comic books. Johnston also revealed that he wants to give the look of this Marvel movie a different visual style than any other Marvel movie that we've seen.
As for Captain America's costume, we will see several different versions of it throughout the course of the movie. The screen costume will start off looking similar to Cap's original costume from his origin in the comics. At first Steve Rogers will cover up the blue, red and white costume because he thinks it's only for promotion and standing up on a stage, but as the story progresses, and Rogers starts to realize that he's become a symbol of hope and courage to the troops, he will begin to wear his costume on the battlefield. Rogers will also start to customize the costume, adding more bits of armor and strapping until it starts to resemble the modern version of the Captain America costume.
You can learn more of what Johnston said about Captain America by reading the coverage supplied by Ain't It Cool News and Collider.
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