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January 16, 2012 - Prometheus / new photo showing Space Jockeys and Noomi Rapace
Scooped on Monday, January 16, 2012
In a new article which features an interview with Prometheus screenwriter Damon Lindelof, the Los Angeles Times also ran a new photo from the movie showing Noomi Rapace standing in the corridor of a biomechanical alien vessel. Although it's dark and gloomy, you can just make out two tall standing beings off to Rapace's right -- and there's our first piece of proof that the Space Jockey race will be seen in Prometheus.
For his part Lindelof talks about Prometheus in terms of an epic. "The movie is definitely epic in its scope. One of the filmmakers that we ended up talking about to a fair degree of redundancy was David Lean, who directed Lawrence of Arabia," the writer states. "We wanted to make the movie feel big by having the characters be small in big spaces. That connected to the larger themes we were talking about — that we're all just these little gnats crawling around on our little planet."
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