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July 1, 2009 - Predators / Rodriguez confirms Nimrol Antal is directing movie
Scooped on Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Ain't It Cool News has confirmed directly from producer Robert Rodriguez that Nimrod Antal will direct Predators. " I know he'll be able to get the most out of what we want to be an outstanding cast," Rodriguez told AICN.
RR also shared more intel including that KNB will create the creature effects for the picture; that it will shoot in Austin at Troublemaker Studios; and he also shared a little bit more about the storyline. "It still involves a very intense group of people stranded on a Predator planet discovering unspeakable horrors (that are not always from outside their group.) So like the original movie, the title does have a double meaning."
For more quotes from Rodriguez, hit AICN.
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