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June 2, 2009 - Poltergeist / script review
Scooped on Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The first site to publish a review of the Poltergeist remake screenplay is Latino Review. In addition to uncovering details about how the new version of Poltergeist differs and remains the same in some aspects from the 1982 original, the site's reviewer also gives his opinion as to whether the script has what it takes to stand alongside the classic film. While reviewer El Diablo felt that there's enough scary material in it to meet a certain level of satisfaction, the ingredients assembled doesn't inspire confidence that the new Poltergeist will stand out from such other recent horror remakes as Prom Night, The Amityville Horror or My Bloody Valentine.
Watch Latino Review's assessment of the Poltergeist script dated late 2008.
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