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June 24, 2010 - Pirates of the Caribbean 4 / movie to be released in IMAX 3D format
Scooped on Thursday, June 24, 2010
In a press release issued yesterday, IMAX Corporation and Disney have reached an agreement to release Pirates of the Caribbean 4 in IMAX 3D format along with Cars 2 and Mars Needs Moms!
"These films are ideal additions to our slate," said Greg Foster, the chairman and president of IMAX Filmed Entertainment. "Disney's commitment to 3D and its partnership with IMAX has helped to transform the way people see movies, and we're thrilled to keep the momentum going."
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Posted: 14 years 21 weeks ago
I can't wait to see Pirates 4 in IMAX 3D, it being in IMAX 3D sounds cool, because that means seeing it on a bigger screen in movie theaters where ever they have IMAX screens. I've noticed that the bigger the screen is when watching the movies in theaters, the better the picture quality is.