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March 1, 2010 - The Hobbit / to be in 3-D?
Scooped on Monday, March 1, 2010
As more and more movies are now being made in 3-D, fans at The One asked the question in that site's forums whether they would see the prequel movies presented in the third dimension. One of the people checking in to follow the conversation was none other than director Guillermo del Toro, a man that would have some insight into whether or not the speculation could be true.
"I wouldn't read much on it just yet, but now, after all this time, after Avatar doing the Box Office it did, we have had enquires from above about The Hobbit being in 3-D," del Toro said on the forums.
"No impositions or heavy leaning. Just enquires. Just fulfilling my promise to let you all know if discussions ever started. Cheers, GDT."
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