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March 12, 2009 - Pirates of the Caribbean 4 / rumored theatrical release date
Scooped by Sean on Thursday, March 12, 2009
We've had a reader send in a scoop that there is a confirmed release date for Pirates of the Caribbean 4, namely May 25, 2012. Unfortunately that's not true. While some websites are giving the 5/25/12 date as the one when we can expect to see the further adventures of Captain Jack, Walt Disney Pictures has never issued a statement on a targeted release date.
However, there is some strength to 2012 being the likely date for Pirates 4. In November 2008 producer Jerry Bruckheimer told members of the press that Disney was "pushing towards 2012" for the sequel but never went further and indicated the studio had pegged a specific day for the film's release. When one is given by Disney we'll be the first to tell you.
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