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March 13, 2009 - Eclipse /
Scooped on Friday, March 13, 2009
Patrick Goldstein at the Los Angeles Times calls into question Nikki Finke's report that Juan Antonio Bayona has been hired to direct Eclipse. The reporter cites a lunch he had yesterday with Eric Feig, the president of production for Summit Entertainment. "We’ve met with three or four talented filmmakers and we’ll be meeting with three or four more other candidates before we make any decision," Feig is quoted as saying to Goldstein. "No one has been offered the job."
Finke quickly fired back on her Deadline Hollywood Daily blog, retorting that Feig called her to apologize about Goldstein's "misquoting" of his words and that he plans on "confronting" Goldstein about what he wrote. This sounds more like a blogger/reporter war than anything to do with the hiring of Bayona.
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