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November 3, 2008 - Dante's Inferno / Universal nabs rights
Scooped on Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Universal Pictures has emerged with the movie rights to EA's hellish video game in development. After besting four other studios, sources tell Variety that Uni won the battle by paying an option fee upfront and a promise to deliver a final paycheck figure somewhere in the seven figure range. Electronic Arts Entertainment vice president Patrick J. O'Brien and the game's creator Jonathan Knight will be involved with the production of the movie but it's unknown if they will receive a final screen credit. Strike Entertainment partners Marc Abraham and Eric Newman will produce the film.
EA still has not confirmed the existence of the game which is rumored to let players take a journey through the different levels of Hell as envisioned by Dante.
This is the second EA video game property to wind up in development at Universal in as many weeks; the other Uni/EA project is an adaptation of the third-person action game Army of Two.
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