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September 11, 2009 - Super / project announced
Scooped on Friday, December 25, 2009
After providing the voice of an extraterrestrial supervillain in Monsters vs. Aliens this past spring, The Office's Rainn Wilson will get his chance to play a costumed good guy in Super. That's the new film coming from Scooby-Doo/Dawn of the Dead remake writer James Gunn who made his directing debut with the horror gross-out Slither.
In Super Wilson will play a married man (his wife will be played by Liv Tyler, a nice catch.) After seeing his better half fall under the charms of a charismatic drug dealer the hubby decides to clean up his neighborhood by creating a superhero persona called Crimson Bolt. What's the superheroe's favorite weapon of choice? A wrench. Not every superhero gets the luxury of a billionaire's trust fund for weapons R&D.
Also starring in the film will be Ellen Page (Juno, the upcoming Drew Barrymore comedy Whip It.)
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