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September 19, 2008 - Star Trek
Scooped on Monday, September 22, 2008
Just when you thought that the see-saw between J.J. Abrams and William Shatner over whether the actor was ever approached to appear in the new Star Trek movie the swing goes back up again. Responding to comments that Abrams made on September 8 to that the director tried to give the original Captain Kirk a cameo in the new movie but the actor wanted a larger part, Shatner crafted a video response to Abrams stating the following: "J.J., nobody ever came to me and said that we have a cameo. Maybe he wrote it but it never presented itself to me. But the truth is that I wouldn't have wanted to do a cameo because you would have clipped that out. It doesn't fit. You said in your statement that you were having trouble fitting it in anyway, but, nobody ever asked me. I'm just sorry that I'm not in your wonderful movie and I would have loved to have been. And if you make another [movie] maybe you could think of ways of bringing Captain Kirk back to life." Shatner then goes on to humorously explain how his character could be resurrected in any future Star Trek movie.
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