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September 25, 2009 - The Strange Adventures of H.P. Lovecraft / Ron Howard speaks
Scooped on Friday, September 25, 2009
Ron Howard spoke with the L.A. Times' Hero Complex blog about his gestating comic book project, The Strange Adventures of H.P. Lovecraft. Stating that the comic/movie uses a younger version of the well-known horror writer, Howard said, "It very cleverly uses H.P. Lovecraft in a fictional way, but there's some loose biographical elements. But it certainly has the flavor and the tone of Lovecraft."
As for the tone of the film and whether it will have that Lovecraftian feel to it that gives his stories that certain fingerprint, Howard knew that it was a question more to do with his style as a filmmaker than whether he could rise to the challenge. "Look, it's challenging, but if we get it right, it could be really original and psychologically interesting and scary in a great way," he explained. "And it's a graphic novel, this is new territory for me."
And will the movie ever get out of development hell? "You just never know," Howard said to the site, "development is a minefield or a high-wire act or whatever you want to call it, but yeah, hopefully that it moves along and I will be directing that one."
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