Anyone seen it yet?
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Star Trek Into Darkness
Posted by Daltons chin dimple on Wednesday, May 15, 2013
The official release date for the US is 16 May, which used to mean 16 May. Originally, it meant 3 p.m. on 16 May. For a while, it meant 12:01 a.m. on 16 May. Now, apparently, it means 8 p.m. on 15 May. The next time a movie smashes a box office record for opening weekend, keep in mind that it's probably getting a four-hour head start on the last record holder.
It has been out here for a week but I am struggling to get to the cinema lately. I still have Iron Man 3 outstanding. Place Behind The Pines is about too. Man Of Steel arrives in about 2 weeks to add to the list.
I might need an entire day watching back-to-back movies soon. :(
Don't forget your blue balls!
Wait'll you see her as Gamora!
I'm going Fri night to the biggest, loudest theater I can find (always a must for Star Trek films). Should be the best cartoon I've ever seen since Iron-man 3.
No, no. You are mistaken. No CGI here. They actually built that thing and launched it into space. I read it on the internet so it must be true.
The 3rd acts riffs WAY too much on Wrath of Khan (to the point of being just silly), but like the good TOS films it is carried by the strength of its lead performances.
Th villain "twist" doesn't kill the movie, unlike Iron-Man 3.
I don't think the twist killed it, but I can see how it would upset longtime fans of the comics. Even though I'm one of them, it didn't bother me. I was a little impressed with the ballsiness of it, to tell the truth. It was some first-class cinematic trolling.
The Swollen Goi... wrote:
I don't think the twist killed it, but I can see how it would upset longtime fans of the comics. Even though I'm one of them, it didn't bother me. I was a little impressed with the ballsiness of it, to tell the truth. It was some first-class cinematic trolling.
Ballsy, yes.
Did it work? No.
The STID villain twist worked for me. Cumberbatch's performance sold it. Unfortunately the writers elected to lift too many scenes straight out of a previous Star Trek film for the 3rd act. Or maybe it wasn't so much the story, but how Abrams chose to tell it.
Corporal_Hicks wrote:
Ballsy, yes. Did it work? No.
[SPOILER]I do admit I was holding out hope for a few minutes that there would be a double fake out. It would have been interesting if the "actor" playing the Mandarin had been the Mandarin playing an actor playing the Mandarin. Then we'd have two actors in the same movie who had dudes playing dudes disguised as other dudes. I guess a double fake out is a little too much to ask of an audience. It worked for me all right, but I was never a huge fan of the Mandarin character, so I didn't feel ripped off by his portrayal. (It's not like they could have done him as he was done in the comics. That would have led to a PC shitstorm.) I think it was at least consistent with how the "ten rings" were used in the first movie, with the Mandarin being more of an idea than an actual person.[/SPOILER]
IM3 was fun--I love RDJr.--and I thought the villain twist was entertaining, Ben Kingsley was great. Just saw Trek, and loved it. Fun banter, and I thought the plot twist was a fun riff on the original. A little predictable, yes, especially how one character escaped a deadly situation, but really, we have certain expectations for familiar series like this and predictability helps meet them.
Besides: Benedict. Fucking. Cumberbatch.
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 11 years 18 weeks ago
The US doesn't get it officially until 8 p.m. tonight. The east coast only has another ten hours and forty-five minutes to wait.