Amazingly, after the prequels, I honestly think I am only at about 60%. Maybe the original trilogy was such a lightning in a bottle moment that caught me at exactly the right time of my life - as a child, avid reader of the Marvel comics, watcher of the Droids and Ewoks cartoons, player with the toys etc. etc. - where Star Wars was all consuming that I am not sure that they will do anything but disappoint me.
What about you?
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 10 years 42 weeks ago
It depends. My Give-a-Shit-O-Meter is really a combination of three meters. I guess my Let's-See-Where-Star-Wars-Goes-from-Here-O-Meter is at about 20%. My Let's-Look-at-This-Fucking-Train-Wreck-O-Meter is at about 65%. My Goddamn-It-Fine-Let's-Get-This-Shit-out-of-the-Way-O-Meter (otherwise known as my Completism-O-Meter) is at about 90%. I guess those three combined put my Give-a-Shit-O-Meter at just under 60%.