Hey all,
I know that I've been absent, and that you have questions about the future of this site and what's going on with it. I intend to answer your questions and let you find out what's been inside my head and why I've been neglecting the site.
Previous to this post, I had just spent 15 minutes writing a lengthy post explaining one part of things...and when I went to save it, the site didn't do it. I suspect it's because I chose to use Firefox, which seems to have a current problem with the site. So yeah, this problem effects me too.
It's late right now and I need to hit the sack, but I want to start to explain what's been going on with me, where my head has been at, and what I'd like to do moving forward. I'll also be here to answer questions that you may have.
One really important thing that I'd like to say at the start, and that's to say thank you for being a true fan of CA. I know that several of you have kept a light on and keep posting, and that you were worried when you couldn't post anymore a couple of weeks ago. I just wanted to let you know that it's a nice feeling to know that people still care about this place.
Thanks again, and I'll be back to start off my side of things later in the day.
The Swollen Goi...
Posts: 14343
Posted: 10 years 34 weeks ago
Hey, Patrick. Good to see you.
I haven't been able to use Firefox or Chrome for a while, now. I think Safari works. I think Opera used to work for me, but it doesn't work anymore. Midori works. IE doesn't.
Some folks are still able to use Chrome. I'm not sure why I can't. I've updated, uninstalled, and reinstalled. It's still a no-go for me.