Because it doesn't suck, and Rick is already going back off his rocker.
I want that guy to be in the new Star Wars.
Because it doesn't suck, and Rick is already going back off his rocker.
I want that guy to be in the new Star Wars.
Back in the 80's the stuff in this show would have caused an R rating. Now it's a serial TV show!!!
This is the best start they've had, by far, since the show started.
Things are spiraling downhill and oh so fast.
Although I liked the season premiere, I was a little disappointed that they killed off two characters in the first episode but didn't have the guts to make the casualties characters we had come to know from before. At least there was a bit more at stake in this week's episode. They really hit their stride in the previous season and I'm glad they're keeping it up so far.
I'm also glad I don't have to pay to watch the show on Amazon Instant anymore. I discovered that AMC is now making it available on their website if your cable provider is one of their affiliates. I don't have cable, but my parents do, and they're letting me use their log-in info.
Well, they managed to find an appropriate emotional parallel for Tyreese's death as it is depicted in the comic.
I was waiting for you to see the episode before discussing this.
I could have spoiled you the way three of my bastard Facebook friends spoiled me, but I decided to let you come to it all fresh-like. Because I care.
I'm still pissed about how someone spoiled "Empire Strikes Back" for me, and that was over 30 years ago.
So caught up as far as UK TV will allow. Tank/Prison Fucked/Bye-Hershel episode. Now mid-season break. :(
Daltons chin dimple wrote:
Getting caught up.
just walked into a spoiler
Sorry, I hope it wasn't what I wrote up there. I figured I didn't reveal all that much except that someone dies.
I thought I was spoiled. But I thought it was Tyrese who was gonna buy it. So on reflection I went unspoiled.
I notice they didn't actually show the Governor getting munched, just implied it was on the cards in the very, very near future.
Daltons chin dimple wrote:
I thought I was spoiled. But I thought it was Tyrese who was gonna buy it.
What I meant was that the death in the mid-season finale was a good parallel to the death of the Tyreese character in the comic. Tyreese played a much bigger role in the comic - comparable to a mixture of Daryl and Hershel in the TV show. The murder we actually see in the TV show is modeled pretty closely after Tyreese's death scene in the comic, but they managed to give it the same emotional impact. That's all I was trying to say.
For comparison, here are the relevant pages from the comic, if you're interested:
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
(Just a warning: The scene is pretty graphic.)
I bet Ol' Govs got shot through the good eye, and I bet he survived. He'll wander around for months and enter into some kind of blind prophet phase. He'll get hundreds of new people on his side and convince them all that Rick & Co. are the enemy. Meanwhile, his other senses will all become more acute, and he will become more dangerous than he ever was before.
Did he get shot in the head? I thought Michone just left him there and walked off smirking???? Or did I manage to blink and miss it?
Daltons chin dimple
Posts: 12800
Posted: 10 years 46 weeks ago
It was a pretty awesome episode.