damn, i cant begin to describe what a fuckin mess this movie is. It seems like its got sam raimi written all over it, it seems like its really culled some cool slimey, muddy effects from all three Evil Dead flicks but at the end of the day its like mentioning Evil Dead in the review for Drag me to Hell is like commiting the ultimate sin because its ...JUST... that... HORRIBLE.
yes Christine Brown pisses off some old gypsy woman, yes. and yes she offers up a blood sacrafice, yes, and yes it doesnt work (no surprise) and yes if you cant see the "shocking twist" coming at least 25 minutes before the end of the movie then you've either 1) not been paying attention or 2) you're completely and utterly stupid.
This movie is just predictable... I think it relies more on showing spooky shadows, loud screeching and shocking thumping with all the gooey effects to scare you rather than deliver some real scares instead of a stupid attacking doily...that KEEPS ON attacking throughout the movie (dear God.. its like the old creepy denture wearing lady got bumped to a second string because a doily stole the show!)
this movie is TRUELY HORRIBLE. it would be bad from any other director... but it's gut wrenchingly HORRIBLE coming from the director of Evil Dead, Sam Raimi.
There is NO hope that Spiderman 4 will be any good... this guy is just out of tricks and peitering along on fumes.
Posts: 44
Posted: 15 years 35 weeks ago
Can't say I agree with you. I thought the movie was just about perfect and a hell of a lot of fun. Raimi has made no secret that DMTH is a return to the campy horror that made him famous. The vomit and slime, the absolutely disgusting old woman, the talking goat. Hell, he even threw in a deadite dance. That's all classic Raimi stuff. Same with the jump scares and visual tilts which normally turn me off, but in this film it's obvious that the director knows what he is doing since none of them felt cheap or ineffective. They scared the shit out of me, in a good fun way.
And really, the "shocking twist" was never intended to fool anybody. The ending was telegraphed because Raimi wanted the audience in on the gag. That's his shtick. He's not trying to pull a Shyamalan here. He wants us all laughing and clapping and shouting "oh shit" at the same time. Makes for a great movie theatre experience.