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Independence Day Resurgence
Release Date: June 24, 2016 (North America)
Genres: Action, Science Fiction, Sequel
Production Phase: Post-production
Studio: 20th Century Fox Production Company: Centropolis Entertainment
Who's Making It: Roland Emmerich (Story), Dean Devlin (Story),
Premise: 20 years after Earth turned back a global alien invasion force, a larger secondary assault arrives.... More »
Tuesday, August 13, 1996
In an interview with Variety's Army Archard, Jeff Goldblum says that he's game for a follow-up to Independance Day. Goldblum also reports the idea is "in the works".
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Sunday, July 7, 1996
In the wake of the unprecedented weekend opening of Independence Day, word has begun to filter out of Hollywood about a sequel. For some weeks now, industry insiders have been hearing rumors about Fox asking for development to begin on a sequel but did not want to publically commit to anything before the film's launch. On the July 8th edition of Entertainment Tonight, actor Bill Pullman was asked about his thoughts on a sequel. He responded aloofly, saying it would be interesting to see how "the Prez" turned out a couple of years later.
Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin are in hot demand at the moment, and you can bet these two will have no trouble in coming up with a new storyline. We're predicting that by the fall you'll hear something about the next invasion.
- Entertainment Tonight. Comment on this Scoop (0)