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Indiana Jones 5
Release Date: July 10, 2020 (North America)
Genres: Action, Adventure, Sequel
Production Phase: In Development
Studio: Paramount Pictures Production Company: Lucasfilm, Ltd.
Who's In It: Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones),
Who's Making It: Steven Spielberg (Director),
What We Think: Whether you loved it, hated it or didn't really care either way, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull made a lot of money. If there is a fifth Indy movie we think... More »
HypeMeter Rating: Burning
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I don't know. Everyone seems to judge movie scripts equally. It's as though people expect Citizen Ka…
Posts: 1
Posted: 15 years 45 weeks ago
I don't know. Everyone seems to judge movie scripts equally. It's as though people expect Citizen Kane or the tight realism of a good spy thriller. The kind of fiction it tries to embody seems to be old, over-the-top adventure pulp.. the sort of thing that might have thrilled people in their childhood, and you have to judge it in that spirit, if able.