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The Invention of Lying
Release Date: October 2, 2009 (North America)
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy
Production Phase: Released
Studio: Warner Bros. Production Company: Radar Pictures
Who's In It: Ricky Gervais (Mark), Jennifer Garner (Jennifer), Rob Lowe (Rob), Jonah Hill (Frank), Louis C.K. (Greg)
Who's Making It: Ricky Gervais (Director), Matthew Robinson (Director), Ricky Gervais (Screenwriter), Matthew Robinson (Screenwriter), Linda Obst (Producer)
Premise: In a world where no one has invented lying, a writer is the first to discover that telling things that aren't the truth can reap you big rewards (and problems.)... More »
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Warner Bros. has released the North American one-sheet design for The Invention of Lying which you can see over on the left, floating heads and all.
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