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A Nightmare on Elm Street

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Release Date: April 30, 2010 (North America)

Genres: Remake, Horror          MPAA Rating: R

Production Phase: Released

Studio: New Line Cinema   Production Company: Platinum Dunes

Who's In It: Jackie Earle Haley (Freddy Krueger), Kyle Gallner (Quentin), Thomas Dekker (Jesse), Rooney Mara (Nancy), Kellan Lutz (Dean Russell)

Who's Making It: Samuel Bayer (Director), Wesley Strick (Screenwriter), Michael Bay (Producer), Andrew Form (Producer), Bradley Fuller (Producer)

Premise: A decade ago the parents of school-aged children burn a suspected child molester to death. Now the teenage sons and daughters on Elm Street are being hunted by Freddy Krueger in a place where they... More »

Official Website:

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

As expected, MySpace's Trailer Park has the second and latest trailer for A Nightmare on Elm Street.



- MySpace. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Courtesy of MySpace comes the online debut of the North American poster for A Nightmare on Elm Street. The final trailer is being released on the social media site this Thursday.

- MySpace. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Monday, December 7, 2009

Reshoots are slated to take place for the new Elm Street flick. A casting call posted by Spoiler TV reveals four new characters that the filmmakers need to find to populate at least one new location being created for these reshoots, a diner where the film's primary character, Nancy, works.

- Spoiler TV. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Warner Bros. has just released this new still showing a silhouetted Freddy Krueger making some sparks. Click on the thumbnail to see a bigger-sized version.

- Warner Bros. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The action figure news website has published a revealing photo of NECA's forthcoming Freddy Krueger action figure which reveals the detail of the new Freddy's disfigured face. As well as giving us the image there's also an interview with NECA's head of product development Randy Falk about the new Freddy figure as well as news on action figures based on the new Clash of the Titans movie and Bioshock 2 video game.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

The trailer for the new Nightmare on Elm Street is finally out. The people online are getting the opp to see our first look at the film ahead of movie audiences (the Nightmare trailer will run with Columbia's Zombieland, opening this coming Friday.)



- MySpace. Comment on this Scoop (4)
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Video from yesterday's A Nightmare on Elm Street panel at Comic-Con 2009 has started to surface. New Freddy star Jackie Earle Haley was there along with producer Brad Fuller and they showed a sizzle reel of footage to get the audienced pumped for the remake. As well, the duo mentioned that Haley was signed to star in two sequels if the movie is a hit and that there won't be a cameo by original Freddy actor Robert Englund in the movie (but that he does give the remake his blessing.)


- Video taken by optimus5x5. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Warner Bros. has released the first image of Jackie Earle Haley from A Nightmare on Elm Street...and it's in the dark. The image in question shows to us that Haley's Freddy will wear the character's trademark fedora hat, have the bladed glove hand and wear the red striped sweater that Robert Englund's Freddy wore through his Nightmare on Elm Street series of films, but the face and body of Haley's Freddy is in dark shadow so no details can be seen showing us what the new makeup looks like.

- Warner Bros. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Friday, July 10, 2009

Producer Brad Fuller has tweeted that the production "Just wrapped- sad. This was a fun movie to make."

- Brad Fuller via Twitter. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Original Nightmare director Wes Craven has spoken about the remake and he doesn't like it at all. "Yes it does hurt, it does because its such an important film for me that, unfortunately, when I signed the original contract I gave up all rights to it and so there's nothing I can do about it," Craven told IGN UK exclusively. "I was much happier with [the remake of] The Last House on the Left that I could kind of shepherd it towards production and we found a really wonderful director."

And just so you got the picture about how upset Craven feels, he adds this bit: "I don't even know who's doing it and I'm not interested. It's actually really painful to think about it. It's the film of mine that I probably love the most, and which made the most money. The script went around Hollywood for three years and nobody touched it and I went through all my life savings and everything else to pay for it, so I had to make the deal I did. Frankly, at that time I thought it would be one movie and that's it. I never thought it would go on and on and on."

- IGN UK. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, May 28, 2009

If you want to get your first look at Jackie Earle Haley wearing his Freddy Krueger makeup, head on over to JoBlo. They were sent four photos taken right on the grounds of a pre-school that's been dressed to serve as Badham Pre-School in the film. Haley was photographed walking on the grass; the photo is taken of his back left-side, so it's not the greatest at getting a clear look at his version of Freddy. That said, he's wearing a hat and a striped shirt so you can get an idea as to what his version of Krueger looked like before he was burned.

- JoBlo. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Monday, May 25, 2009

A quartet of photos taken outside the Methodist Church in Gary, Indiana grace Shock Till You Drop today along with the photographer's first-hand observations of the event. The scooper says that they heard lots of screams coming from inside the church along with the booming voice of Freddy Krueger.

- Shock Till You Drop. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

In his latest production blog entry producer Brad Fuller talks about what like is like two weeks into filming as well as how Jackie Earle Haley is playing Freddy Krueger with "incredible intensity. His Freddy doesn't tell jokes, he is simply terrifying."

And Fuller also goes a little bit into Haley's look when he wears the Krueger makeup. "There will be elements that you all know so well, but there have been advances in make-up and he truly looks like a burn victim."

Fuller also gave this personal account. "It is challenging to have a normal conversation with him because he looks so scary. And if that's not enough, he talks with his hands a lot and at one point he pointed to me with the glove and it was terrifying."

Hit the Platinum Dunes production blog to read more as well as see two of the film's producers hanging out with a Springwood police cruiser.

- Bloody Disgusting. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Monday, May 4, 2009

Today in Chicago filming began on the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street, so we've moved the film into the "in production" phase of development.

- Warner Bros. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Clancy Brown, veteran of a billion genre roles like Highlander, Starship Troopers, Lost, Pet Sematary II and a lot more, joins the cast as Allan.

- Bloody Disgusting. Comment on this Scoop (1)


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