Movies: 1135
Comments: 67725
Members: 718
Online: 0 Guests: 103
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action, Comic Book, Horror, Western
Production Phase: Script Stage
Studio: Columbia Pictures Production Company: Original Films
Who's Making It: Sam Mendes (Director), Neal Moritz (Producer), Jason Netter (Producer), Ori Marmur (Executive Producer), Ken Levin (Executive Producer)
Premise: Southern preacher Jesse Custer has the power of a entity called Genesis inside of him and when he utters a command to someone no power in the universe can stop what's about to come. Jesse's... More »
What We Think: Garth Ennis' over-the-top, wonderfully entertaining comic book series deserves to be made with no-holds-barred abandon. There's one way we'll know if the movie has been faithful to the source material and that will come when... More »
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Today I Am Number Four and Disturbia director D.J. Caruso announced via Twitter that he's the new director on the Preacher movie. "My deal just closed on Preacher. Going back to the dark side and pretty fucking pumped!" [Full story]
- D.J. Caruso via Twitter. Comment on this Scoop (0)Thursday, January 22, 2009
John August has been hired by Columbia Pictures to write the screenplay for Sam Mendes' Preacher film. The Charlie's Angels/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory scribe is working at present on adapting the comic book series. "It's a terrific project that I'm excited to be writing," August told readers on his blog. [Full story]
- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, October 29, 2008
New life has been breathed into the once-dead Preacher movie: the project is now at Columbia Pictures and has Sam Mendes attached to direct. Created by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillion in 1995 for the DC Comics' Vertigo imprint, Preacher follows the journey that a ex-man of faith takes when he's given a tremendous power and seeks answers for the existence of evil in the world from God. He is accompanied on his trek across America by his ex-girlfriend-turned-hitwoman and a Irish-born vampire.
Mendes blasted on Hollywood's radar when he won the Best Director Oscar in 1999 for American Beauty. In 2002 his next film, Road to Perdition, was based on a graphic novel. Jarhead followed in 2005 and before the end of the year Revolutionary Road will be released.
Fast and Furious/I Am Legend producer Neal Moritz is producing the film under his Original Film shingle and with Jason Netter and his Kickstart Productions company. Ken Levin and Ori Marmur are executive producers. A screenwriter hasn't been announced for the project.
- The Hollywood Reporter, Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)
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This needs to be a Nathan Fillion vehicle. Really does.