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Race to Witch Mountain
Release Date: March 13, 2009 (North America)
Genres: Adventure, Family, Science Fiction MPAA Rating: PG
Production Phase: Released
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Production Company: Gunn Films
Who's In It: Dwayne Johnson (Jack Bruno), AnnaSophia Robb (Sara), Carla Gugino (Dr. Alex Friedman), Alexander Ludwig (Seth), CiarĂ¡n Hinds (Henry Burke)
Who's Making It: Andy Fickman (Director), Matt Lopez (Screenwriter), Mark Bomback (Screenwriter), Andy Fickman (Screenwriter), Andrew Gunn (Producer)
Premise: Two teenagers with an out-of-this-world secret are taken under the wing of a Las Vegas taxi cab driver as they try and elude pursuing government agents and an extraterrestrial bounty hunter.... More »
Official Website:
HypeMeter Rating: Steaming
Recent Comments

I picked up the Witch Mountain double feature a week or two ago for the kids. Man, Return From Witc…

Man, the Rock picks the worst scripts. He's gonna be scenery in this movie. Can't act either, but d…

Ahhh...I see...I probably should've researched my "complaint" beforehand...But somebody's gotta give…

He is listed, check the full cast and crew listing under "Movie Details". However, he's not listed f…
Posts: 16
Posted: 16 years 7 weeks ago
kay..I will admit that I loved Escape to Witch Mountain back in '75. But I was a kid and it was the 70's and Disney was churning out shows that were pretty much up there with Sci Fi Channel productions...but this? Duane?? Wha???
Posts: 74
Posted: 16 years 7 weeks ago
I thought parts of the trailer were cool, esp the opening moments and some of the action stuff at the end. Gotta be better than the originals, which I saw for the first time a few years ago. Jaysus, did you kids really eat that up back then?
Posts: 16
Posted: 16 years 7 weeks ago
We were a deprived lot back then...but I agree..It doesn't look too bad and the kids are keen on seeing it!
Posts: 35
Posted: 16 years 6 weeks ago
You know, I had a lot of high expectations for Duane "The Rock" Johnson, that is until I saw him in a trailer for Be Cool (just the trailer mind you, since I felt no need to see the movie for this at all). I wanted him to be the next action star to pick up the mantle AHnold left twitching and dying on the floor. Instead, he's an action star for family films... yeah. His downward spiral to mediocrity continues to get heavy laden with cheap plots and Disney TV cameos. I'm just about ready to submit a request to have his wrestling moniker, The Rock, revoked from his resume, and replace it with something more befitting his current state of films - The Blip.
Posts: 3
Posted: 16 years 4 weeks ago
Yo, why's The Rock not listed in the cast listings above...?
And if y'all can't smell what The Rock is cooking, well, I just don't know...
Dude's got the charisma and the talent to be a huge star...he just needs that one film to break free and hit it big...this could be that film...
Especially if the Captain Marvel/Shazaam film decides to stay limp...
Location: Canada
Posts: 20119
Posted: 16 years 4 weeks ago
He is listed, check the full cast and crew listing under "Movie Details". However, he's not listed first in the cast on our page. This is something that will be fixed in the future.
Posts: 3
Posted: 16 years 3 weeks ago
Ahhh...I see...I probably should've researched my "complaint" beforehand...But somebody's gotta give you a hard time and keep you on your toes...
Posts: 213
Posted: 16 years 3 weeks ago
Man, the Rock picks the worst scripts. He's gonna be scenery in this movie.
Can't act either, but doesn't have the Ah-node accent to cover it up.
Posts: 5753
Posted: 15 years 50 weeks ago
I picked up the Witch Mountain double feature a week or two ago for the kids. Man, Return From Witch Mountain was pretty bad, but I still really enjoyed Escape. My daughter liked them both a lot and is very excited to see the new one, hence my Hypemeter vote reflects her excitement.
I dunno. I think The Rock looks pretty funny in this, and I also think AnnaSophia Robb is a pretty talented young actress. I don't expect it to be Oscar worthy, but I don't expect it to be teh suck, either.