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Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

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Release Date: May 19, 1999 (North America)

Genres: Action, Science Fiction, Sequel          MPAA Rating: PG

Production Phase: Released

Studio: 20th Century Fox   Production Company: Lucasfilm, Ltd.

Who's In It: Liam Neeson (Qui-Gon Jinn), Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Natalie Portman (Queen Padmé Amidala), Jake Lloyd (Anakin Skywalker), Pernilla August (Shmi Skywalker)

Who's Making It: George Lucas (Director), George Lucas (Screenwriter), Rick McCallum (Producer), George Lucas (Executive Producer), David Tattersall (Director of Photography)

Premise: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away the Galactic Republic is upon the precipice of war. The aggressive Trade Federation sparks a conflict that threatens to consume the galaxy. After failing to... More »

Official Website:

What We Think: You can write a book about what has been rumored, supposed, conjectured, hoped for, begged and outright lied about these movies.In 1977, after the huge initial success of the first Star Wars movie, the public... More »

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A TV spot for The Phantom Menace 3D has started appearing on television:



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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lucasfilm has released the poster for the 3D conversion of The Phantom Menace. [Full story]

- Lucasfilm. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, September 9, 1997

Rumors about an early release of Episode One have begun again. Two seperate sources report that they've heard quiet rumblings Kenner Toys is prepping to release Episode One action figures to various toy stores starting next March. This had led some to speculate Lucas is going to perform a sneak maneouver and release the film a year ahead of schedule.

Our take on it: we don't buy the '98 release date. There's way too many factors, including individuals we know working on some aspects of the movie right now, that point to a 1999 release. Kenner may very well be preparing to generate a huge wave of new interest with their toyline...and doesn't it seem like a move they would undertake? Remember back in 1978 when Kenner created an exclusive mail-in offer to be the first to get an action figure of someone called Boba Fett who would appear in the then-forthcoming The Empire Strikes Back? Now with the renewed level of attention Kenner's Star Wars: Power of the Force line is receiving the company may very well be in the planning stages of such a move.

- Scoop received by 'ebertran' and Will Neve. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, September 9, 1997

Kudos to the webmaster at Lucasfilm's official SW1 site. Finally, photographs from selected interior sets have been posted to the net before appearing in any other publications. Check them out right after reading this - they showcase the impressive production designs as well as show the great attention to detail and authenticity.

Briefly speaking, the pictures show: Anakin's room on Tatooine; his family's kitchen; a vehicle that may be some sort of tank or ground artillery; and a striking launch bay filled with black and yellow craft.

- Thanks to the many who told us of the photos and to someone at Lucasfilm for listening to us. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, September 2, 1997

A friend of this scooper who happens to live close to Leavesden Studios told them about a piece recently broadcast on a local community access program. In the segment a grip from the set was interviewed and the person's answers apparently let slip a details about a possible story arc for Neeson's Jedi character.

As previous releases from Lucasfilm have indicated, Neeson's Jedi will be slightly mysterious; according to the scooper's friend, the grip reported that this Jedi will infact teach Anakin "unethical" Jedi practices.

"Since young Anakin is immature he doesn't know the difference between light and dark," the scooper writes. Then, mysteriously, Anakin's teacher abandons his young pupil, but before he departs he convinces Obi-Wan Kenobi to continue Anakin's schooling. "Anakin then notices a difference in OB1's teachings and immediately it starts to cause conflicting views about the force...further, we find out that Liam Neeson's character later becomes an advocate to Palpatine before he gains complete control," the scooper also added. Interesting stuff...but did anyone else catch it on the tele?

- Note sent to us in the hold of a Rebel transport from a 'tpulliam'. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, August 26, 1997

A regular scooper sends us an interesting rumor. The fellow tells us that they believe Liam Neeson's character is, in fact, Anakin's real father. The scooper informs us that a "part of the prequels" is taken from the first draft of Star Wars, written by Lucas roundabout 1974 (and posted elsewhere on the Net if one searches in the right places.) According to the scooper, the reason his father is fighting the "Sith Lord" in the picture is because Anakin's brother (whose name may be Deak) has just been killed by it.

Another rumor scooper whispers in our ear that a special teaser trailer will be attached to all prints of the forthcoming Alien Resurrection. The trailer will only show theater-goers the principal cast members and the long-awaited title of the first chapter. It would also include a tag line for the new series of films.

- First scoop sent in by 'Hal 2001', second scoop by H.B. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Sunday, August 24, 1997

The French version of Premiere has run three photos of behind-the-scenes shots taken from the Tunisia filming of Episode One. Thanks to a French scooper, we're able to post them on this page.

PHOTO 1: Here we see the scaffolding of a spaceship entry/exit ramp. One scooper tells us that this ship is the one Anakin Skywalker and Liam Neeson's characters use to return to Tatooine...but this is unconfirmed.

- Special thanks to 'Mister W' for sending us the photographs. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Sunday, August 24, 1997

PHOTO 2: Neeson fights a "dark Jedi" on Tatooine. Reportedly in the scene just previous to this one, Neeson's character orders Anakin back onto their ship and await the outcome of the forthcoming duel.

- Special thanks to 'Mister W' for sending us the photographs. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Sunday, August 24, 1997

PHOTO 3: Lucas and crew watch as Jake Lloyd and Liam Neeson film a scene off in the distance. As of the date these photographs were released, Liam Neeson had not been officially announced as being cast for his role as Anakin's mentor.

- Special thanks to 'Mister W' for sending us the photographs. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, August 19, 1997

Will Adrian Dunbar play the young Governor Tarkin? According to this scooper, yes. Also, they report that Terence Stamp may play Anakin's father.

And in other news the British movie magazine Neon reports 'You thought it was over. It hasn't even begun' as being the provisional tag-line for SW1. We say "Gundark droppings!"

- Scoops submitted by anonymous and Reptile. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Sunday, August 3, 1997

New Stormtrooper armor sighting?!? "They were shooting the Emperor's coronation at the Grand Palace in the city. Security was INCREDIBLE!!! No one was admitted even close to the set! Local Police and even the Italian Military Police (Carabinieri) were called in to keep people away! But...I did get a glance at the NEW STORMTROOPERS!!! Picture a cross between the Imperial Royal guard, a regular Stormtrooper and those red guys from the N64 Shadows of the Empire game."

- Deep cover work done by 'bransong'. Rest easy, soldier, and have a protein stick. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Saturday, August 2, 1997

At the recent San Diego convention, Steve Sansweet of Lucasfilm explicitly denied that the title of the first prequel will be 'Balance of the Force'. Corona was there at the SDCC but missed the SW panel, but it wouldn't surprise us. Still...if we print the title is 'Jedi Cheeze Orgy', there's a good chance it'll be in next week's Entertainment Weekly.

- Sent in by 'cti'. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Friday, August 1, 1997

According to some of the scuttlebutt making the 'net rounds, Terence Stamp's character will be a younger Grand Moff Tarkin (say, Governor). The first scooper also reports that 'Shmi' is pronounced the same as Captain Hook's right hand man's name, Smee. Insider knowledge or someone who's a little too familiar with the old Peter Pan flick? You decide!

- Thanks to 'Donxman' with a nod to 'cti' and 'D.Vader'. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, July 31, 1997

Issue #34 of the Star Wars Insider has arrived at the doorsteps of subscribers - and in the mag there's a list of confirmed actors appearing in the first prequel. What's amazing is that Lucasfilm's official SW web site hasn't updated its casting information in weeks...but the Insider is sanctioned by Lucasfilm. Knowing how things have had a habit of moving along slllooowly with regards to Lucasfilm and fan interest, we've decided that if the Insider claims it to be true we'll go along with them. After all, they were dead right with regards to Frank Darabont's absence in said prequel.

Leaving out the actors already announced by Lucasfilm, the remaining individuals listed include:

Pernilla August (as Anakin's mother, Shmi), Frank Oz (reprising Yoda's voice), Kenny Baker (reprising R2-D2), Ian McDiarmid (reprising his role as The Emperor). Additional cast members mentioned (but no character names given) were: Samuel L. Jackson, Ahmed Best (scooped earlier by this site), Adrian Dunbar, Terence Stamp (another scoop), Oliver Ford Davies, Ray Park, Jerome Blake, Warwick Davis (which confirms what he was quoted to have said in an earlier CA scoop), Hugh Quarshie, Cin, Khan Bonfils, Alan Ruscoe, Michelle Taylor, Michaela Cottrell, John Fensom, Liz Wilson, Christina Disilva and Silas Carson.

Also mentioned was that Jabba the Hutt will make a guest appearance (why?) and that we'll see the origin of C-3PO. Proving that technology can't replace good human know-how, Frank Oz will be responsible for the majority of Yoda's on-air time, with any complicated walking scenes being digitally rendered by computer. Producer Rick McCallum also discusses the number of sets that have been constructed as well as future ones.

The new ish of the Insider should hit the stands in one to two weeks.

- Scoops sent in by John Krout, 'Ragnor', 'core' and 'Lawler', direct from the Outer Rim Territories. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, July 29, 1997

Again Samuel L. Jackson confirms his involvement with the first prequel. On the Monday Scott and Todd Big Show (a New York City morning talk show for those not in the know), Jackson said he's scheduled to start filming in August in London.

- Scoop mailed in by 'rpouria'. Comment on this Scoop (0)


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