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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action, Science Fiction, Sequel, Video Game
Production Phase: Rumored
Production Company: Lucasfilm, Ltd.
Premise: In the dark years between the fall of the Jedi and Luke Skywalker joining the Rebellion, Darth Vader discovers and trains a young man powerful in the Force to be the Dark Lord's secret apprentice.... More »
What We Think: Lucasarts' video game did a masterful job of exploring a new chapter in the Star Wars saga. It also seems to have been better received than the prequel films were. All that George Lucas needs... More »
In the dark years between the fall of the Jedi and Luke Skywalker joining the Rebellion, Darth Vader discovers and trains a young man powerful in the Force to be the Dark Lord's secret apprentice. Once Vader's apprentice is trained in the ways of the Force he is sent out to kill the surviving Jedi and gain additional experience before he and Vader move against the Emperor.
TopWhat We Think
Lucasarts' video game did a masterful job of exploring a new chapter in the Star Wars saga. It also seems to have been better received than the prequel films were. All that George Lucas needs do is give his nod of approval and we would get a kick-ass Star Wars movie. Don't give in to the Dark Side, George. Let it happen.
TopFinancial Stats
Production Budget | $ |
Final Box Office | $ |