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Total Recall
Release Date: August 3, 2012 (North America)
Genres: Action, Remake, Science Fiction MPAA Rating: PG-13
Production Phase: Released
Studio: Columbia Pictures Production Company: Original Films
Who's In It: John Cho (TBA), Bill Nighy (Kuato), Bryan Cranston (Vilos Cohaagen), Jessica Biel (Melina), Kate Beckinsale (Lori)
Who's Making It: Len Wiseman (Director), Kurt Wimmer (Screenwriter), Philip K. Dick (Creator - Writer), Neal H. Moritz (Producer),
Premise: In a future where the two nations of Euromerica and New Shanghai are locked in a cold war, factory worker Douglas Quaid decides to take an exotic vacation by having the memories downloaded into his... More »
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