Movies: 1135
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Release Date: May 29, 2009 (North America)
Genres: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family MPAA Rating: PG
Production Phase: Released
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Production Company: Pixar Animation Studios
Who's In It: Edward Asner (Carl Fredricksen), Jordan Nagai (Russell),
Who's Making It: Peter Docter (Director), Bob Peterson (Co-Director), Bob Peterson (Screenwriter),
Premise: Crabby septuagenarian Carl Fredricksen finally decides to fly away from all of his troubles and take off to South America by tying thousands of helium balloons to his home and sailing off into the clear... More »
Official Website:
HypeMeter Rating: Explosive
Recent Comments
I'm taking my boy to see this for his first movie. Of course we're going to go on a Tuesday afterno…
Pixar can do no wrong. My boy is counting the days until Up opens. Hmm...that gives me an idea.
Posts: 1430
Posted: 15 years 47 weeks ago
I can't wait for Up, especially after this new trailer. I couldn't stop giggling while I was watching it.
Posts: 1238
Posted: 15 years 46 weeks ago
That dog and his collar might just be the thing that makes me see this movie.
Posts: 16
Posted: 15 years 46 weeks ago
That is my dog and I so don't ever want to really know what goes through her tiny mind.
Posts: 5753
Posted: 15 years 35 weeks ago
Pixar can do no wrong. My boy is counting the days until Up opens. Hmm...that gives me an idea.
Posts: 862
Posted: 15 years 35 weeks ago
I'm taking my boy to see this for his first movie. Of course we're going to go on a Tuesday afternoon, so if he's awful, he won't bother anyone. If he's intolerable, we'll just leave without wasting the entire day.