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The World Without Us
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Science Fiction
Production Phase: Pitch
Studio: 20th Century Fox
Who's Making It: Francis Lawrence (Director), Mark Protosevich (Screenwriter), Alan Weisman (Creator - Writer),
Premise: An event takes place that removes all humans from the planet, leaving all of mankind's creations to slowly fall apart from weathering and erosion.... More »
Saturday, April 4, 2009
20th Century Fox has picked up the screen rights to Alan Weisman's non-fiction book The World Without Us, a look at how long it would take for the marks of civilization to fall into disrepair and vanish from the face of the planet. Fox has tapped the I Am Legend team of screenwriter Mark Protosevich and director Francis Lawrence to make the film. Protosevich will have to devise a method for dispensing with humans as Weisman's book focused on the disintegration of mankind's monuments and feats of engineering and not on the reason why people vanished overnight. [Full story]
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