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X-Men: First Class
Release Date: June 3, 2011 (North America)
Genres: Action, Comic Book MPAA Rating: PG-13
Production Phase: Released
Studio: 20th Century Fox Production Company: Donners' Company
Who's In It: James McAvoy (Charles Xavier / Professor X), Michael Fassbender (Erik Lensherr / Magneto), Kevin Bacon (Sebastian Shaw/Black King), January Jones (Emma Frost/The White Queen), Oliver Platt (The Man in Black)
Who's Making It: Matthew Vaughn (Director), Jamie Moss (Screenwriter), Lauren Shuler Donner (Producer), Simon Kinberg (Producer),
Premise: In the 1960s, Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr were friends. Together they helped find the first students for Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters, mutants who needed guidance and shelter from those that feared their abilities.... More »
What We Think: The X-Men universe is big enough that there is room for a film series following the next generation of mutants, but the real question is can Fox find the right creative team to make X-Men: First Class... More »
Friday, August 21, 2009
In an article about Bryan Singer's attachment to direct a remake of Excalibur, Variety also notes that the filmmaker has been "flirting" with directing X-Men: First Class.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Thursday, June 4, 2009
Would Anna Paquin be interested in playing Rogue again in X-Men: First Class? "Absolutely. Yeah," the True Blood actress told IGN UK when asked the question. "I would hope I could do a little bit more action next time, though. I kind of find it ironic that I did three big action films and did, actually, no action whatsoever. I mean I got some really amazing emotional story moments, but I didn't really get to do the physical stuff."
When asked what she meant, Paquin replied "You know, as much as I loved doing those films I was kind of like, 'OK, so when do I get to beat someone up? When do I get to steal some powers?' You know Sookie gets to do more action than Rogue ever did. So I'm just putting that out there. More action please, for next time."
- IGN UK. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, April 15, 2009
During a segment aired on Fox Movie Channel's Life After Film School, X-Men Origins: Wolverine producer Lauren Shuler Donner spoke about the premise of X-Men: First Class. "It is the first class of Xavier's school, way back when, so it's young Scott, young Jean, young Beast and that'll be really fun," Donner said. "I think (the plan) is to follow some of the characters into their own stories, and weave them back into the X-Men world.
"And hopefully First Class will become its own franchise and we can follow them as they grow up."
Thanks to IESB for pointing it out!
- Fox Movie Channel via IESB. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
20th Century Fox has hired Josh Schwartz to write the screenplay for a new proposed spinoff movie arising from the X-Men universe called X-Men: First Class. The idea behind First Class is to show the next generation of younger mutants learning how to live with and control their mutant powers while attending Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning.
Schwartz is the creator of several successful television shows including The O.C., Chuck and Gossip Girl. Fox's deal also includes the option for Schwartz to direct the film if he wants, although at this early stage he's only committed to produce the screenplay. Original X-Men movie trilogy producer Lauren Shuler Donner will also serve in the same capacity on First Class along with Simon Kinberg, the screenwriter of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Jumper, XxX: State of the Union and co-writer on X-Men: The Last Stand.
According to Variety the details on what creative direction Schwartz's screen story will head remain closely guarded by Fox. In 2006 Marvel Comics published a First Class title that told new adventures of the first group of teenage X-Men made up of Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Beast and Angel. If Schwartz and Fox keep to the established canon of the X-Men film series then the lineup of mutants we'll see in the First Class team will be slightly modified as some of the movie's first class of X-Men are a decade or more older (like Cyclops, Marvel Girl and Beast) than their classmates (Iceman, Angel).
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Recent Comments
winged: Angel Salvatore with dragonfly-like wings and acidic spittle, not to be confused with…
Ok watched the extended spot last night on Fox, it appears the winged girl is angel. So they change…
yeah I recognize them. Is the red-faced teleported Nightcrawler? Who's the dark haired girl, Moira…
Beast, Mystique, Banshee, Havok (Cyclops' younger brother).
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